'Bring back Piers Morgan' campaign to reinstate GMB presenter reaches nearly 200,000 signatures

Three petitions calling for Morgan to return to GMB have garnered a combined total of more than 196,000 signatures (Photo: Jeff Spicer/Getty Images)Three petitions calling for Morgan to return to GMB have garnered a combined total of more than 196,000 signatures (Photo: Jeff Spicer/Getty Images)
Three petitions calling for Morgan to return to GMB have garnered a combined total of more than 196,000 signatures (Photo: Jeff Spicer/Getty Images)

Petitions calling for Good Morning Britain (GMB) presenter Piers Morgan to be reinstated in his role have reached a combined total of almost 200,000 signatures.

Morgan stood down after saying he did not believe Meghan Markle’s remarks in her bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey earlier this week, when she spoke about her mental health and having suicidal thoughts.

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His comments were criticised by mental health charity Mind and prompted 41,000 complaints to broadcasting watchdog Ofcom, and a formal complaint to ITV from Meghan.

The health charity said in a tweet it was “disappointed and concerned” with Morgan’s comments adding: “It’s vital that, when people reach out for support or share their experiences of ill mental health, they are treated with dignity, respect and empathy.”

Three petitions on Change.org are now calling for Morgan to return to GMB have since garnered a combined total of more than 196,000 signatures.

But will the shows of the support stand a chance of getting the presenter back on television screens?

Here is everything you need to know about it.

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Could Piers Morgan return to GMB?

It seems unlikely at this stage, even in the face of the petitions’ seemingly overwhelming support.

The presenter himself has said he will not be returning to Good Morning Britain, saying the latest petitions were a welcome change of tone from what the divisive broadcaster is used to dealing with.

The presenter, 55, thanked those who had supported him following his on-air comments about the Duchess of Sussex and her headline-making interview with Oprah Winfrey.

In response to the numbers, Morgan wrote on Twitter: “I won’t be going back, but thanks to everyone who has signed these petitions. Normally, people start petitions to have me fired or deported, so this is a pleasant surprise.”

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Speaking on a media call following Morgan’s departure earlier this week, ITV chief executive Dame Carolyn insisted GMB is a “balanced show”, saying: “ITV has many voices and we try to represent many voices every day. It’s not about one opinion.”

On Morgan’s comments, she said: “I completely believe what she [Meghan] said. It’s important everyone does.”

What has Morgan said about his Markle comments?

Despite the furore, Morgan has said he is sticking by his comments about the Duchess of Sussex, reinforcing that he “didn’t believe Meghan Markle in her Oprah interview”.

Speaking outside his London home after quitting GMB, Morgan told reporters: “If people want to believe Meghan Markle, that’s entirely their right.

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“I don’t believe almost anything that comes out of her mouth and I think the damage she’s done to the British monarchy and to the Queen at a time when Prince Philip is lying in hospital is enormous and frankly contemptible.

“If I have to fall on my sword for expressing an honestly held opinion about Meghan Markle and that diatribe of bilge that she came out with in that interview, so be it.”

Why did Morgan storm off from GMB?

Morgan walked away from GMB this week after his comments on Meghan Markle prompted 41,000 complaints to broadcasting watchdog Ofcom (Photo: ITV)Morgan walked away from GMB this week after his comments on Meghan Markle prompted 41,000 complaints to broadcasting watchdog Ofcom (Photo: ITV)
Morgan walked away from GMB this week after his comments on Meghan Markle prompted 41,000 complaints to broadcasting watchdog Ofcom (Photo: ITV)

On 11 March, Morgan Tweeted that he had enjoyed a victory over BBC Breakfast on his final day on GMB.

“I had one goal when I joined GMB – beat BBC Breakfast in the ratings,” he wrote. “On my last day, we did it. That was down to the hard work and dedication of the whole team.”

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